Free fishing around Luzern using artificial bait?

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Free fishing around Luzern using artificial bait?

Beitrag von esl2 »

Hello all,

Apologies for posting in English, I have just moved to Switzerland and have yet to master the language.

I have recently obtained my SaNa qualification. I am now looking to fish near the Luzern area, using artificial bait (lures, wobblers etc.) from the shore. Can anyone point me in the direction of free or cheap fishing areas around Luzern? I am aware of the patents for Lake Luzern, however, they are mostly quite expensive and I would like to keep costs down as much as possible. Here are a couple of questions I also have:

Is a patent required to fish from a boat or kayak in lake Luzern?

Is fishing in the Alpnachsee free from the shore, even when using artificial baits?

Many thanks in advance for any advice you can provide!
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Re: Free fishing around Luzern using artificial bait?

Beitrag von Swordfish »

Hi esl2 and welcome to the Fischerforum!

We all share the same passion for fishing & nature and I have met many great friends through this forum. So please introduce yourself to the wider audience in this thread: viewforum.php?f=3

Artificial baits are usually not allowed under the 'Freiangelrecht' in Switzerland, same goes for Lucerne. You may fish from the shore using natural baits (worms, maggots, bread, corn,...), a bobber and a single hook.
esl2 hat geschrieben: So 29. Okt 2023, 10:07 Is a patent required to fish from a boat or kayak in lake Luzern?
Yes, fishing from a boat/kayak requires a licence.
esl2 hat geschrieben: So 29. Okt 2023, 10:07 Is fishing in the Alpnachsee free from the shore, even when using artificial baits?

Best regards,
There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.
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Re: Free fishing around Luzern using artificial bait?

Beitrag von Nobody »

Beitrag von Bad Ass Fisherman » Di 7. Nov 2023, 17:39

Egal wo her du bist, hier wird in Schriftdeutsch kommuniziert.
Danke für deine Anmeldung.
Fischerforum Rookie
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: So 29. Okt 2023, 09:59
United States of America

Re: Free fishing around Luzern using artificial bait?

Beitrag von esl2 »

Vielen Dank an alle für die Informationen. Es sieht so aus, als würde ich ein Patent erhalten.


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